Businesses are a crucial part of our initiative to clean up Calcasieu Parish. As a business, you play a vital role in changing the culture around litter, starting from the standards you set for your employees. We can provide you the tools needed to train and equip your staff to help build a cleaner, safer work environment.
Resources & Messaging
To make it easy for your business to participate, we can provide you with talking points, data, ready-to-use copy for newsletter and email outreach, and ways to incorporate Pick It Up
into your safety training.
Collateral Material
We can provide a variety of
Pick It Up Calcasieu items at no charge, including store-front signs, litter bags, stickers and more. This will help spread awareness among your employees and customers.
Our litter management team can
come to your business and host a presentation about making more
sustainable choices as a company
and as individuals. Schedule
yours today.
Businesses can schedule a day to pick up trash, and we'll provide you with all the supplies needed, including vests, gloves and bags. Schedule a cleanup day through our Adopt-a-Spot program here.
Help us spread awareness by using the hashtag #PickItUp_________ (add your business name) when posting about your
cleanup efforts. You can also share posts from the Pick It Up Calcasieu pages to your social media.